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As of 09:13 PM (update)

Route 501-Queen

3 min—East - 501d Queen towards Neville Park (#4518)
22 min—East - 501d Queen towards Neville Park (#4615)
23 min—East - 501d Queen towards Neville Park (#4520)
33 min—East - 501d Queen towards Neville Park (#4510)
44 min—East - 501d Queen towards Neville Park (#4524)

Route 503-Kingston Rd

1 min—East - 503 Kingston Rd towards Victoria Park (#4414)
11 min—East - 503 Kingston Rd towards Victoria Park (#4532)
20 min—East - 503 Kingston Rd towards Victoria Park (#4574)
31 min—East - 503 Kingston Rd towards Victoria Park (#4460)
41 min—East - 503 Kingston Rd towards Victoria Park (#4605)
45 min—East - 503 Kingston Rd Short Turn towards Greenwood and Queen (#4474)

Route 72-Pape

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.

Route 301-Queen

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.

Route 325-Don Mills Night Bus

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.