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< Back to 47-Lansdowne

As of 08:06 PM (update)

Route 47-Lansdowne

14 min—North - 47b Lansdowne towards Yorkdale Station via Caledonia and Bridgeland (#7035)
15 min—North - 47b Lansdowne towards Yorkdale Station via Caledonia and Bridgeland (#3512)

Route 512-St. Clair

0 min—West - 512 St Clair Replacement Bus towards Keele (#8832)
6 min—West - 512 St Clair Replacement Bus towards Keele (#7249)
11 min—West - 512 St Clair Replacement Bus towards Keele (#8833)
12 min—West - 512 St Clair Replacement Bus towards Keele (#7214)
17 min—West - 512 St Clair Replacement Bus towards Keele (#3503)

Route 312-St.Clair-Junction Night Bus

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.