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< Back to 41-Keele

As of 09:08 PM (update)

Route 41-Keele

9 min—North - 41 Keele towards Pioneer Village Station (#7208)
19 min—North - 41 Keele towards Pioneer Village Station (#7292)
29 min—North - 41 Keele towards Pioneer Village Station (#7285)
41 min—North - 41 Keele towards Pioneer Village Station (#7301)
49 min—North - 41 Keele towards Pioneer Village Station (#7265)

Route 89-Weston

4 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd (#8355)
14 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd (#3458)
24 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd (#3510)
33 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd (#7023)
43 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd (#7001)

Route 189-Stockyards

4 min—West - 189 Stockyards towards Scarlett Rd (#3368)
36 min—West - 189 Stockyards towards Scarlett Rd (#3345)
53 min—West - 189 Stockyards towards Scarlett Rd (#3368)

Route 341-Keele Night Bus

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.

Route 941-Keele Express

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.

Route 989-Weston Express

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.