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< Back to 36-Finch West

As of 11:05 AM (update)

Route 36-Finch West

0 min—West - 36b Finch West towards Humberwood (#9101)
8 min—West - 36b Finch West towards Humberwood (#9121)
10 min—West - 36b Finch West towards Humberwood (#9131)
20 min—West - 36b Finch West towards Humberwood (#9103)
25 min—West - 36b Finch West towards Humberwood (#9104)

Route 96-Wilson

16 min—West - 96b Wilson towards Humberline & Albion via Westhumber and Martin Grove (#3643)
38 min—West - 96b Wilson towards Humberline & Albion via Westhumber and Martin Grove (#3597)
55 min—West - 96b Wilson towards Humberline & Albion via Westhumber and Martin Grove (#1372)

Route 336-Finch West Night Bus

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.