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< Back to 28-Bayview South

As of 08:36 PM (update)

Route 28-Bayview South

19 min—East - 28 Bayview South towards Brick Works (#7299)
49 min—East - 28 Bayview South towards Brick Works (#7323)
79 min—East - 28 Bayview South towards Brick Works (#7229)

Route 11-Bayview

8 min—North - 11a Bayview towards Steeles via Sunnybrook (#8819)
20 min—North - 11c Bayview towards Roe Loop via Sunnybrook and Lawrence Station (#8776)
33 min—North - 11a Bayview towards Steeles via Sunnybrook (#8822)
45 min—North - 11c Bayview towards Roe Loop via Sunnybrook and Lawrence Station (#8696)
58 min—North - 11a Bayview towards Steeles via Sunnybrook (#8688)
70 min—North - 11c Bayview towards Roe Loop via Sunnybrook and Lawrence Station (#8630)