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< Back to 161-Rogers Road

As of 09:32 PM (update)

Route 161-Rogers Road

6 min—West - 161 Rogers Rd towards Jane (#1354)
24 min—West - 161 Rogers Rd towards Jane (#7307)
44 min—West - 161 Rogers Rd towards Jane (#7320)
64 min—West - 161 Rogers Rd towards Jane (#7202)

Route 41-Keele

6 min—South - 41 Keele towards Keele Station (#7242)
12 min—South - 41 Keele towards Keele Station (#7228)
23 min—South - 41 Keele towards Keele Station (#7269)
32 min—South - 41 Keele towards Keele Station (#7258)
41 min—South - 41 Keele towards Keele Station (#7306)

Route 168-Symington

6 min—North - 168 Symington towards Rogers Rd & Weston Rd (#7308)
20 min—North - 168 Symington towards Rogers Rd & Weston Rd (#7274)
39 min—North - 168 Symington towards Rogers Rd & Weston Rd (#7267)
58 min—North - 168 Symington towards Rogers Rd & Weston Rd (#7274)

Route 341-Keele Night Bus

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.