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< Back to 501-Queen

As of 07:54 PM (update)

Route 501-Queen

10 min—East - 501 Queen Short Turn towards McCaul (#4508)
18 min—East - 501 Queen Short Turn towards McCaul (#4531)
19 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8199)
27 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8123)
28 min—East - 501 Queen Short Turn towards McCaul (#4447)
35 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8104)
38 min—East - 501 Queen Short Turn towards McCaul (#4504)
43 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8131)
48 min—East - 501 Queen Short Turn towards McCaul (#4566)
51 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8128)

Route 301-Queen

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.