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< Back to 42-Cummer

As of 05:28 PM (update)

Route 42-Cummer

11 min—East - 42a Cummer towards Middlefield (#3201)
21 min—East - 42a Cummer towards Middlefield (#3111)
31 min—East - 42a Cummer towards Middlefield (#3130)
41 min—East - 42a Cummer towards Middlefield (#3213)
51 min—East - 42a Cummer towards Middlefield (#3131)

Route 97-Yonge

0 min—North - 97a Yonge towards Steeles (#7052)
24 min—North - 97b Yonge towards Steeles via Yonge Blvd (#7120)
36 min—North - 97a Yonge towards Steeles (#8351)
63 min—North - 97b Yonge towards Steeles via Yonge Blvd (#8348)

Route 320-Yonge Night Bus

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.