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As of 01:38 PM (update)

Route 301-Queen

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.

Route 19-Bay

3 min—South - 19 Bay towards Queens Quay and Sherbourne (#8416)
24 min—South - 19 Bay towards Queens Quay and Sherbourne (#8434)
41 min—South - 19 Bay towards Queens Quay and Sherbourne (#8533)

Route 501-Queen

4 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8116)
5 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8073)
27 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8099)
35 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#3358)
38 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8166)