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< Back to 102-Markham Rd.

As of 08:46 PM (update)

Route 102-Markham Rd.

9 min—North - 102b Markham Rd towards Steeles (#3439)
9 min—North - 102b Markham Rd towards Steeles (#3435)
15 min—North - 102b Markham Rd towards Steeles (#3415)
18 min—North - 102b Markham Rd towards Steeles (#3428)
22 min—North - 102b Markham Rd towards Steeles (#3422)

Route 53-Steeles East

5 min—East - 53b Steeles East towards Morningside (#9231)
19 min—East - 53b Steeles East towards Morningside (#3303)
35 min—East - 53b Steeles East towards Morningside (#3270)
56 min—East - 53b Steeles East towards Morningside (#3117)

Route 953-Steeles East Express

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.

Route 953-Steeles East Express

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.